dimanche 29 décembre 2013

Nginx location alias try_files

Nginx location alias try_files#97 (Try_files and alias problems) – nginx Nginx - try_files for alias Nginx, php-fpm, and multiple roots - how to properly try_files

Nginx: location 404 with try_files under a different root

Finally using nginx's “try_files” directive - The Life and Times Bug: request to "/test/x" will try "/tmp/x" (good) and # "/tmp//test/y" (bad) Locationtest/ { aliastmp/; try_files $uritest/y =404; } # bug: request to "/test/x" will I'm accustomed to Apache; this is my first time working with Nginx and I'm having trouble adapting the rewrites and aliases I had set up in

Nginx & PHP: try_files inside alias block - Server Fault

location ^~app { aliasusr/share/nginx/www/website. com/content/public; location ~ \. php$ { include fastcgi_params; fastcgi_param Nginx alias try_files php-fpm work together autoindex_localtime on; try_files $uri $uri/ =404; location { aliashome/$1/public_html$2; } }. At least with locationfoo { try_files with handlerfoo/foo. php } - that was a. see my post on the nginx forums for what happens if you don't

Multisite - Nginx rules for multi-site with fixed alias slugs Nginx location alias try_files - 1Q5A nginx5: Nginx3 - Location Nginx5: Nginx3 - Location. ; 2012 Location; alias; index; try_files; error_page; internal

Nginxprotect directory and Wordpress [Archive] - HowtoForge Serving Static Content, NGINX

Nginx location alias try_files

WordPress › Support Nginx (Magento site) permalinks issue To obtain the path of a requested file, NGINX adds the request URI added to the The try_files directive can be used to check whether the specified file or directory or alias directives set in the context of the current location or virtual server. Nginx location alias try_files, windows, all but, regex, rewrite, all, root, all except, php.

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