Latest Impact Factors from Elsevier's Surface Science Journals
Latest Impact Factors Factor figures from Elsevier's Surface Science journals. The latest Impact Factor figures for Elsevier's Surface Science journals have just been released. The online version of Surface Science at ScienceDirect. com, the world's leading platform for high quality peer-reviewed full-text journals. Highlights. •. Determined impacts of activation barriers on ZnPc growth on deactivated Si surfaces. •.
2012 Impact Factors Surface Science - Elsevier
Publisher: Indian Society for Surface Science and Technology. The two years line is equivalent to journal impact factor ™ (Thomson Reuters) metric. Impact factor. 0.00. 5-Year impact. 0.00. Cited half-life. 0.00. Immediacy index. 0.00. Eigenfactor. 0.00. Article influence. 0.00. Website. The Open Surface Science Surface Science Reports is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by to the Journal Citation Reports, the journal has a 2013 impact factor of 24.562.
Journal Impact Factor (ISI) 2007 2010 1.300 Latest Impact Factors - Elsevier-alerts. com Journal Impact Factor 2002 - Science Gateway Journal Impact Factor 2002 ACH-MODELS IN CHEMISTRY; 0.632 ACI MATERIALS JOURNAL; 0.534 ACI STRUCTURAL JOURNAL. APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE; 0.493 APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING; 0.532 AQUACULTURAL
Applied Surface Science Journal Impact Factor 2013 E-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology - Citefactor
Surface and Interface Analysis - Wiley Online Library Journal Impact Factor List 2014 ( Now Online! ) Date: 02nd August, 2014 citefactor-journal-indexing. E-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology. We are pleased to bring you the latest Impact Factor figures from Elsevier's Highlights include Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science increasing by 30% and International Journal of Mass Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces.
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