PHP Header Location - Stack Overflow
POST avec header() comment faire [Rйsolu] - Forum des (Sorry, the site won't let me post such a long link) up · down. 16 Not for 302, 303 or 307. If the status code is not specified, header('Location:') defaults to 302. PHP header() redirect with POST variables Is there any way to use the header Location stuff to redirect the visitor to another page, while still
PHP header() redirect with POST variables - Stack Overflow
Bonjour Je voudrais transmettre des donnйes en POST а une page. comment utiliser la fonction header pour effectuer cette manipulation Avec le PHP, regarde du cotй de la fonction header(); redirection aprиs l'envoie en BDD dans notre exemple); header ('location: index. php'); Garder les variables POST aprиs une redirection Je sais changer de page grace а header (location: etc.) Envoyer des donnйes en POST avec PHP, mais utiliser cURL ne te convient pas. [PHP 5.2] Perte de variable session aprиs header
How to send 'post 'data through header() in php, Expandier [RESOLU] Redirection header("Location:") ne s'exйcute pas e [RESOLVED] $_POST variable with header Location: - PHPBuilder. com Hello there. Is it possible to post back a variable when using something like; header("Location:what's-on/exhibitions. php"); var
[Rйsolu] header('Location: minichat. php') ne fonctionne pas PHP Passing variables and header redirect - PHP Coding Help - PHP
PHP redirect as POST (like a header: Location = ) - Kirupa PHP Passing variables and header redirect - posted in PHP Coding Help: Hi in a header redirect function i. e. $test = 'index. php'; header("location: $test"); Then the above code post to my database table - Its posts to the Et voici le code pour ma page "controller": login_controller. php sur le bouton "Se connecter"*/ if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {*Vйrifier si tous
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