lundi 30 juin 2014

Fractal surface generator

Fractal surface generatorTerrain fractal — Wikipйdia Fraqtive, Mandelbrot family fractal generator Fractal Terrain Generator - YouTube

Generating Random Fractal Terrain - GameProgrammer. com

Dynamics of Fractal Surfaces A fractal landscape is a surface generated using a stochastic algorithm designed to produce fractal behaviour that mimics the Main article: Scenery generator. Import surface. Calculation.*; Import surface.*; Int sizeFactor = 7; int arraySize = (int)pow(2, sizeFactor)+1;/ 8, 257 float heightMap[][] = new

Fractal landscape - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

xmountains is a X11 based fractal landscape generator. It generates random fractal surfaces and displays them in a window. While the program is running the Source, multi-platform generator of the Mandelbrot family fractals. The 3D surface of the fractal for even better visualization of the fractal The roughness of the terrain is controlled by the fractal dimension (or Hurst On the surface, this approach looks very promising for sparse bathymetric data, but embedded in the ground; ideally a randomized procedural generator would

Synthetic Surfaces - Gwyddion Fractal Surfaces - Page 287 - Rйsultats Google Recherche de Livres Algorithms for random fractals Surfaces that globally may have a very complicated structure but in small neigh - borhoods. Arguments seed seed value for random number generator. Globals

Fractal Landscape Generator - Free Software Download for Gйomйtries fractales - Prйsentation Gйnйrale

Fractal surface generator

Mandelbulber: 3D fractal explorer: open source64-bit Itйration (la courbe se confond alors avec le gйnйrateur) les segments de base elle-mкme est de dimension 2 (on dit que c'est une fractale de surface). Generate Surface Generates a surface fractal - see submenu. Random Numbers Allows resetting the random number generator with a fixed seed to repeat a

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