samedi 7 février 2015

Surface shader alpha test

Surface shader alpha testAlpha Test Surface Shader Won't Receive Shadows, Unity Community Biphenyl. org Blog Archive Unity3D Surface Shader Tutorial GameCoderBr: Unity Multi Pass Surface Shader

Shader "Transparent/Cutout/AlphaTest" { Properties

Shaders - Unity - Part of the sprite is covered in shadow I have written an Alpha test surface shader that I would like to receive shadows, but it doesn't. I am not sure what I am missing. Shader Alphatest surface shader problem with render texture Shader "Transparent/Cutout/AlphaTest" { Properties { _MainColor ("Main Color", CGPROGRAM #pragma surface surf Lambert alphatest: _Cutoff sampler2D

Unity - Manual: ShaderLab syntax: Alpha testing

Shader "ZGreaterTest". {. Properties _Cutoff ( "Alpha cutoff", Range (0,1)) = 0.0 #pragma surface surf BlinnPhong alphatest: _Cutoff. This first article explains in detail the elements of a Surface Shader program as a. AlphaTest - alpha tested geometry uses this queue. I have a sprite with Transparent/Cutout/Diffuse shader. CGPROGRAM #pragma surface surf Lambert alphatest: _Cutoff sampler2D _MainTex; fixed4 _Color;

Tutorial: Writing Your First Shader in Unity3D, Heyworks Blog Forum Unity3D-France • Afficher le sujet - Shader Double Face Lit Shadowed Transparent Cutout Shader, imagination XD Well, it's simple, we enable shadow on Particle/Additive shader. Lighting Off CGPROGRAM #pragma surface surf Lambert alphatest: _Cutoff

Optimising The Draw Pipeline, Tech blog, YoYo Games Backface Culling Unitytransparency shaders - Make

Surface shader alpha test

Klakos Gestion Complиte des Ombres pour un Shader/Used for backface culling. Cull Off/ Surface shaders are placed between CGPROGRAM and ENDCG #pragma surface surf Unlit alphatest: _Cutoff struct Input Je cherche а faire un shader double face lightй des deux cфtйs. Pour les besoins #pragma surface surf TF2 alphatest: _Cutoff #pragma target

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