lundi 29 juin 2015

Location 301 php

Location 301 phpRedirection 301 PHP: 2 mйthodes : Netlinking, backlinks, liens PHP 301 redirect location URI format - Stack Overflow Permanent Redirect with HTTP 301 - Somacon

La Redirection 301 - Test de redirection

PHP header redirect 301 - what are the implications - Stack X-Powered-By: PHP/4.3.0. Status: 301 Moved Permanently, false, 301. Location: *ttp://www. votresite. com/unepage. Htm. connection: close [Rйsolu] Redirection 301 en PHP non prise en La Redirection 301: Redirection permanente. 301 Moved Permanently", false, 301); header("Location: http://www. exemple. net/repertoire/page. php"); exit(); >

PHP: header - Manual

The HTTP 301 response code will tell user-agents that the location has If you set the Location header by itself, PHP automatically sets the Une 301, mal faite, зa peut faire aussi mal si ce n'est plus qu'une En PHP, quand on souhaite rediriger, il existe une fonction pour зa (bon, So, I do this at the top of index. php: header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently"); header("Location:option-a");. So, i have two questions

301 Or 302 Redirection With PHP - Stack Overflow 301 Redirect - Comment crйer une redirection 301 en PHP Les redirections 301 ou comment ne pas perdre de trafic Cet article montre des exemples de redirections 301 en PHP et а l'aide d'un fichier. htaccess. Header("Location: http://www. xp-internet. com/index. php"); exit();

Redirection 301 et rйfйrencement - Aspects techniques PHP 301 Redirect, Impossible - Stack Overflow

Location 301 php

1-Minute Tutorial: Permanent (301) Redirect via PHP and Header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently"); header("Location: possible duplicate of php 301 redirects actually doing a 302 redirect – Alix Header( "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently" ); Header( "Location: http://www. nouveau-domaine. com" ); > Dans le langage PHP, la commande Header est

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